Could someone who has been following the giant fuss on -devel over
init systems explain why there's such a sense of dire urgency?

Is it provoked by systemd's effort to be adopted having at least found
a home with gnome, made urgent by gnome's status as our default?

Couldn't we just make XFCE the temporary default and stay with
sysvinit until the technical dust has settled and we have a clearer
view of the long-term merits of openrc, systemd, and upstart?

I'm not close to DD status, so reluctant to ask on -devel. I don't fit
any of the categories of that debate: 1) systemd advocates with few
reservations about forcing their way, 2) near-adolescent emotional
responses to anything that looks like forcing.  Luckily there have
been a few posts by 3) sensible and emotionally moderate folks; it's
reassuring to see how many of them also hold office in Debian.

But still, I'd like to understand.

If you haven't been reading -devel, an overview can be found here and here

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