I've been a happy customer of Dreamhost for many years.  They support
mailing lists, announcement lists, as many hosted mailboxes and
forwarding addresses as you can handle, offer both shared hosting and
VPS services, and are running Linux.  Currently my VPS is Debian, though
they announced recently that they're going to be switching to Ubuntu so
that they can get new software updates faster than Debian typically
supplies them.  But I figure that will still *feel* like Debian, so I'm
not that worried about it. :-)

I know they have MySQL; not sure if they make Postgresql (sp?) available
(they might).  I use MySQL for everything, so I've never had a reason to
look to see if they offer the other one. :-)

They've shown that they're big supporters of free speech and seem to
have a great corporate philosophy.  WorldBlu has voted them one of the
most democratic companies to work for for the past 6 years.

Take a look at what they offer and see if it's to your (your friend's


Yes, that's a referral link.  I don't see anything wrong with getting a
referral credit with them if I provide a referral - and it doesn't
affect any cost to the person I refer. :-)


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