On Mon, 4 Nov 2013 17:21:48 +0000
Tom H <tomh0...@gmail.com> wrote:

> RHEL 6 (as well as Fedora 9-14) use upstart's "/sbin/init" and a few
> upstart jobs. AFAIR, there are native jobs for setting up the ttys,
> launching plymouth, and parsing "/proc/cmdline" in order to run
> "telinit <runlevel>" and that's about it. sysvinit scripts launch
> everything else, via upstart.

And that's a good thing. Changing things way too much scares customers.

> Lennart gave a talk at this summer's DebConf. Two reasons for systemd
> stand out from that talk.
> 1) He described systemd as "completely" open source more than once, in
> a clear dig at Canonical's
> copyright-assignment-come-contributor-agreement for upstart.

Meaning 'you can watch, but you cannot touch'? Thanks, I prefer free
software to opensource one.

> 2) He said (not his exact words) that "we spoke to upstart upstream
> about some changes and they were rejected."

This can mean anything. Unless said changes were described, of course.

> > ArchLinux - because they like to ship upstream projects unmodified and
> > like to change things frequently. They ship GNOME - GNOME says 'use
> > systemd' - they ship systemd.
> Arch decided that systemd was better than its implementation of sysvinit and 
> rc.

True. And what was the reason for this 'better'?

> > PS Not that I have anything against systemd. By the time I'll get my
> > hands on it (be it next Debian stable, or RHEL7) they'll sure stabilize
> > it somehow, write distribution-specific documentation and all that.
> There's no need for distribution-specific documentation. One of the
> goals of systemd is distribution-neutral system and service manager,
> with service files shipped by the various upstreams providing daemons.
> He even got some stick from some Red-Hatters/Fedorans for adopting
> Debian's "/etc/hostname". :)

OOPS. Wrong. I use ifupdown. How exactly transition to systemd affects
I have these nice entries in /etc/fstab. How exactly transition to
systemd affects me?
I have these tested-and-verified values in /etc/sysctl.conf. How
exactly transition to systemd affects me?
I have this rsyslog that sends syslog messages to the central server.
How exactly transition to systemd affects me?

Now, of course, it can be done Fedora-style: we break things twice a
year and cannot hear your screams.
It can be done ArchLinux-style: we change things every day, don't
update unless you've read our wiki.

But in Debian stable they usually write release notes and document all
things that changed since the last stable release.

> The only documentation that you need are the man pages and Lennart's
> "systemd for administrators" blog series.

Man pages describe intended behaviour usually, not implementation
restrictions. How many systemd releases came since this 'Lennart's
"systemd for administrators" blog series' was published?


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