Alberto Salvia Novella wrote at 2013-11-08 11:57 -0600:
> Which are the very important reasons why do you prefer Debian over Ubuntu?

If other responses to this query are an indication, Debian is
attractive to people who are interested in productivity and therefore
want stable "set and forget" software.

Debian is able to provide this because the Debian community (1) has a
strong commitment to "free and open source software" via the DFSG and
(2) is without commercial affiliation.  Both result in software
written and/or maintained *by the user* which will naturally be more
useful *to the user*.  *This is a major reason why software freeness
is important.*  Software written by a company will include features
that are useful to the company but forced onto the user without
consent and perhaps without knowledge.  This is what we see in Ubuntu
with the Amazon and privacy issues and probably lots of other issues
(eg. LTS instability and the frenzied release cycle).

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