On Vi, 15 nov 13, 11:25:26, Florian Lindner wrote:
> How would you do that? I'm also open to entirely different
> suggestions! What I want are basically these things:
> - Never delete legitimate mail
> - Use the Inbox as a workspace for mails that are still of some
> interest. This can also be quite old mail, time based archiving does
> not work.
> - Have some kind of mail archive.

I'm using mutt to access my Gmail account with a very similar workflow. 
If I remember correctly the necessary bits are these:

set spoolfile=imaps://imap.gmail.com/INBOX
set mbox="imaps://imap.gmail.com/[Gmail]/All Mail"
set keep_flagged
set move=ask-yes

With this configuration mutt will ask (and default to "Yes" so I can 
just press Enter) to move all read e-mail from $spoolfile to the $mbox 
folder. If I want to keep something around I just flag it (Shift+F by 

Hope this helps,
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