on Fri, Oct 24, 2003 at 07:39:11AM -0700, John Yurcik ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> Hi, I am glad to be on this list-even if it seems like one has to wade
> through crocodiles to be here. I got a yahoo e-mail account because I
> thought that I could manage this junk that accumulates in my mail.
> "Microsoft security update" always some odd addressee, 142 or 154kb.

Google "Swen virus".

> It doesn't appear that blocking this stuff works,probably because
> different addresses keep being generated. Yahoo does recognize 95% of
> it but it ends up in my bulk mail. Is there something I can do to
> block this stuff with an on-line mail account? 

Your options are:

  - Check mail frequently.  There's a yahoo-based mail fetch utility
    packaged for Debian.
  - Find better filtering offered through Yahoo.  I don't use it, so I
    can't offer suggestions.

  - Switch email providers.  There are numerous options that filter out
    most or all spam.  pobox.com is one I've heard recommended, though
    there are others.  Self-hosting is one of the better solutions.

  - Stick your head in the sand.  If you hide, nobody can find you.
    Maybe.  If you're lucky.  If someone doesn't out you.


Karsten M. Self <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What Part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?
  Backgrounder on the Caldera/SCO vs. IBM and Linux dispute.

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