On Fri, 24 Oct 2003 13:33:32 -0700, Tom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I used to use mIRC a lot, but I knew Windows expertly enough that
> things like DCC didn't scare me.  I'm scared I'll open a security hole
> on my system if I use BitchX and install identd.
> (1) Is BitchX secure by default?

Yes, it's merely an IRC client. However, security flaws can always come
up, but it's usually only some kind of *local* exploit or some _really_
dumb configuration setup on the user's end. ;) Never should the client
itself be susceptible to a remote attack out of the box.

You shouldn't really have any problems. Questions? Just ask. ;)

> (2) Is Linux identd secure by default?  Does it work behind firewall?

Depends on how you define 'secure.' As a service, identd is probably the
safest service next to no service at all. The real concern is that
identd is a privacy risk, but even as concerned about privacy as I am, I
don't really buy that. And identd can easily be forged, so that issue is

(identd is a poor way for authentication, however, so if you plan on
using identd to authenticate yourself: don't. IRC servers use it to
prevent abuse.)

It will also work behind a firewall if you open (or forward) the port
(identd lives on 113, if I recall.) I run
pidentd, and it's fine.

> (3) Is DCC and crap like that secure by default?

Yes. I have my firewall forward about 10 ports to my machine for DCC
transfers; I have never had a problem using DCC. But then again, I
rarely use it.

Now, if you do something dumb like transfer a virus, you're out of luck.
That tends to be a problem on systems designed in such a way, and
susceptible to viruses the same way, like Windows. ;)

> I know *live* in IRC, I'm scared to death of using it on "your own 
> turf".  Should I be?

Nope. ;)

scott c. linnenbringer    |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://www.panix.com/~sl  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  irc: Jawoota

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