Atle - You have my respects for starting a massive undertaking like this. I 
quickly reviewed the manual and unfortunately felt P* was somewhat complex. Who 
is its target audience?

I maintain multiple sites and would like to find a tool to generate a complete 
site fairly effectively based on templates.

My initial impression was that I had to learn yet another language and it 
didn't appear simple.

- ld

On Nov 17, 2013, at 8:24 PM, Atle Solbakken <> wrote:

For the past three months, I have been developing a prototype for a new 
programming language called P* (P-star). The language targets to make life 
easier when it comes to web programming. P* has in-language syntax for things 
like SQL prepared statements and HTML templates.

The P* interpreter is written in C++11, and currently implements enough 
language features to create full web pages. The codebase is about 10 000 lines, 
and it's only tested on Debian.

Maybe you will find this project interesting and can join in to develop P* 
further. You can also try running it, creating a few web pages and finding some 

I could also need som help with project management, as I'm used to managing 
only myself :).

P* language details :
- Basic syntax based on the C language
- Run as scripts by the interpreter (written in C++11)
- User must define types for variables, but conversion between primitives is 
done implicitly
- Support for dynamic arrays and hash maps
- In-lanugage string type with concatenation operator and double quote variable 
- Special SCENE blocks are used instead of classes and functions for the main 
blocks of the program.
- Special HTML_TEMPLATE blocks are used to hold HTML code, these support 
advanced interpolation
- Special blocks inherit the namespace with all variables from where they are 
- JSON output of variables from HTML templates with automatic recognition of 
HTML element IDs.
- MySQL database access with simple syntax for prepared statements
- Not full object-orientation support yet, but structs with functions are 

P* Hello World!

#!/usr/bin/wpl -f
SCENE main {
        echo "Hello World!\n";

Please visit the web page and check-out the documentation. It covers most of 
the language with examples.

The code is GPLv3-licenced, and is available on Github:

I have created two mailing lists, one for developers and one for users:

Please let me know if you find P* interesting, or if you have any suggestions.

Thank you
Atle Solbakken

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