Please accept my apologies John, after giving your original post the
consideration it deserves I should have said:-

What 'are' you talking about? Stable? Backports?
I suspect you confused this with another thread about a totally
different thing (blame AP who doesn't understand threads):-

****Different thread*****************
"Re: A rookie's query: Want to about Debian and the related"
On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 4:38 PM, Chris Bannister
<> wrote:

> Yep, that's pretty much on the nail! Although, it is around three years
> on average, as the testing distribution becomes the new stable.

> Of course, there is backports, but some would argue that then, by
> definition, you are no longer running a stable system.

*****End quote from unrelated thread*********************

The OP (in this thread) is asking about the Debian WordPress package. It
installs WordPress, WordPress keeps itself up-to-date - i.e. it's
version has nothing to do with the version number of the debian installer.

On 28/11/13 09:48, Scott Ferguson wrote:
> On 28/11/13 09:36, John Hasler wrote:
>> Scott Ferguson  
>>> It would have been helpful to preface your post with "I'm guessing..."
> Let me rephrase that...
> It would have been helpful to preface your post with "Nothing to do with
> the OPs question, this is on a completely different tangent..."

Kind regards

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