On Sb, 30 nov 13, 21:40:38, Regid Ichira wrote:
>   Sent this message to ifupdown@packages.d.o a few days ago.  So far,
> I didn't get a reply.  Perhaps I should have asked the list prior to
> asking the maintainer.
> Package: ifupdown
> Version:
>     $ zgrep -B3 netdev /usr/share/doc/ifupdown/changelog.gz | \
>     >   sed '2,3d'
>     ifupdown (0.7.46) unstable; urgency=low
>       * Change /run/network ownership to root:netdev.
>   I don't understand that entry.  Should I have /run/network group
> set to netdev?  Should I have a netdev group somewhere?  Is there a
> bug?
>     $ ls -gd /run/network/
>     drwxr-xr-x 2 root 60 Nov 20 20:51 /run/network/
>     $ getent group netdev; printf $?
>     2

This is the changelog, i.e. the place where the package maintainer logs 
the changes to the previous version. If the admin would be required to 
do something that would go to the NEWS.Debian file. You might want to 
install apt-listchanges to have these displayed whenever there are new 
items in there.

Kind regards,
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