François Patte wrote:
> But in php.ini file (from debian), we can read:
> ; short_open_tag
> ;   Default Value: On<------------------
> ;   Development Value: Off
> ;   Production Value: Off

Those are comments.  The ';' is a comment character.  The file has
templates for things people might want to change in them so that it is
easy for someone to edit the file and make changes.  If you
uncommented that line then it would turn on short tags.  But wait
there is more! :-)

It says:

  ; Quick Reference ;
  ; The following are all the settings which are different in either the 
  ; or development versions of the INIs with respect to PHP's default behavior.
  ; Please see the actual settings later in the document for more details as to 
  ; we recommend these changes in PHP's behavior.

And so we look later on down in the file and see:

  ; This directive determines whether or not PHP will recognize code between
  ; <? and ?> tags as PHP source which should be processed as such. It is
  ; generally recommended that <?php and ?> should be used and that this feature
  ; should be disabled, as enabling it may result in issues when generating XML
  ; documents, however this remains supported for backward compatibility 
  ; Note that this directive does not control the <?= shorthand tag, which can 
  ; used regardless of this directive.
  ; Default Value: On
  ; Development Value: Off
  ; Production Value: Off
  short_open_tag = Off

And so that is the actual setting and the comments describe it.  (shrug)

> I am not making any development, I have no web server in production, I
> just use the web server on my computer to check some web files before
> puting them on the university web server...

You might want to switch over to the php.ini-development template
instead.  By default Debian ships the php.ini-production template
because that is the safe default answer that most people would want.
But on a development system it is sometimes convenient to have the
development environment enabled.


Copy the appropriate file into place.  Edit as desired.


> Reading this at the beginning of php;ini file, I thought that short tags
> were enabled by default...

Unfortunately you missed reading down far enough in the file to see
the uncommented value. :-(


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