I just installed your latest Distro, the few things I found wrong and
should be easily fixed. one when it searched for my networking cards, it
found them, a net work, and wifi then it goes into the what do I want to
connect to next. wifi ,, then it wants a address, I'm at McDonalds where I
get all my free WIFI, don't have one, hit next then it asks what kind of
wifi next work the two I have to pick one so I pick the unsecured one then
it goes to set up the dsn and I got a wait for I tell it quit so it does
and goes into a loop of taking back to the list of tihngis to do as I am
using a usb UNetBootin text mode.

it keep running me around to the I need internet then to the list where it
asks set it up later I pick that go into the list of next things to do a
few times , then finnally I get it to start installing.

it gets installed I get signed it and then I have NO netwrok drivers
installed. it seen that I had a nic card for both types but no drivers. so
I go the the terminal type in sudo it tells me I am not a part of the sudo

not good so i go into a bit of a what now log out try to log back in a su
nothing get fed up as it is just what I did, now I am trying to see what
can do..

two it said if I remember correctly that it still needed one or two more
files to do a complete basic install as i only DL the cd disk one to use
for an install and was going to just go to the internet for what ever else
I may need.

summery you should have the user part of the sudo group or do it in set up
options add a - do you want this user to be in the sudo group ? add you or
no kind of ting as far as if it detects my NIC cards then searches for a
DSN resolve or what ever it was doing with that part, you people wrote it I
just stick it in and try to install it with as less reading as possible. :D

nonetheless, I have no idea what files it was talking about that it said it
still needed for have a complete install to get you going type of install I
do suppose as I only used the 1st CD iso  to install it.

just thought I'd inform you

ga day

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