Bob Proulx wrote:
> Joel Roth wrote:
> > I'm running sid with i3 as window manager.
> > With Google chrome running, every few minutes,
> > the focus jumps to chrome. 
> Is it really chrome or really chromium?

Got it! I was inadvertently activating the Windows-key
semicolon combination which is a key binding of i3.

> > Too bad, as chrome has been excellent in other ways.
> Are you running an extension that might be popping up a window or
> otherwise interacting with the window manager every few minutes?  Try
> running chrome without any extensions to verify that it is bare chrome
> and not an extension.  Is it really something in i3?  Try running a
> different window manager for testing and see if the problem follows
> chrome or follows the window manager.
> > Is that a bug or the future?
> I am using awesome (another tiling window manager) with chromium and I
> do not see the behavior you are seeing.
> Bob

Joel Roth

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