On Sat, Dec 21, 2013 at 02:53:20PM -0500, Stephen Powell wrote:
> I am having trouble copying text from an xterm window into another 
> application,
> such as iceweasel, and vice versa.  When I was using GNOME, this worked fine
> between gnome-terminal and other applications.  But I'm using XFCE now, and
> xterm seems to be the default terminal emulator application under XFCE.
Others have already answered about the copy and pasting, but I figured
I'd give you another xterm trick.  You can specify the font type and
size like this:

uxterm -fn a14

I use uxterm instead of xterm (can't remember exactly why).  I found the
default font size too small.  There is a utility called xfontsel which
helps you choose the appropriate font type and size.


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