or an appropriate question would be . how can i use an SSD to boost the
system Performance.
i don't wanna store data on SSD however just wana use it for performance.

On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 6:54 PM, Muhammad Yousuf Khan <sir...@gmail.com>wrote:

> i dont know why i am saying is even practical or not.
> here is my free command
> @thor:# free -g
>              total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
> Mem:            31         31          0          0          0         26
> -/+ buffers/cache:          3         27
> Swap:           93          0         93
> as you can see 27GB is being used in caching. i have few 160GB SSDs.
> can i move this buffers/caching load to my SSD. so that things could work
> more better.
> Thanks,
> Myk

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