Joel Rees wrote:
> I wonder whether we could design a set of default update calls for
> such a system. It's a project to keep on the back burner, I suppose.

Interesting ideas.  When I read your description two different ideas
in different directions came to my mind.  One was Linux containers.

Interesting posting concerning lxc on Debian:

The other idea was GNU stow.

And here is an article about using it.

I don't know exactly what you are thinking about but perhaps something
in one of the above will spark an idea along the way.

> I think the point is that certain configuration files could well be
> owned by a special purpose user.
> Say I'm building a content-management system called "zerostone" and it
> provides a web-facing configuration mechanism. I'd set it up so that
> the user "admst0ne" owned the configuration files that could be
> accessed from the web, and the server that provides access to the
> configuration files would maybe run as admst0ne.

Seems reasonable.  Again something popped into my mind as I read this.
I immediately envisioned an nginx frontend running normally.
(Normally with reverse proxies configured.)  Then setting up an
additional nginx server running as your admst0ne user to run on the
client end of the reverse proxy with its own dedicated document root.
Configure the main frontend nginx to reverse proxy to the dedicated
backend nginx.  Each are light weight.  Each would be able to access
what it could access and each would have OS level security blocking it
from accessing other files.  It would compartmentalize things nicely.

It is just an idea...  I don't know how well it would play with your
vision of things.

> The non-web-facing configuration files would be owned by "zishi", and
> all human users who are allowed to log in to a regular shell and edit
> the configuration files would be members of the "zishi" group, or be
> allowed to sudo to "zishi" by rules in the /etc/sudoers.d directory.

Seems reasonable.

> Or something like that.
> Purely hypothetical, of course.

:-)  Time will tell!


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