El 04/01/14 02:23, Paul Cartwright escribió:
I just installed Wheezy recently, and I didn't even think abouit it, but
I went to print a web page, and... there was no printer setup. SO, I
went to  system-Administration, and .... no printer icon.. tried control
center, nothing. I googled and finally found that I had to run this
command first-
# apt-get install system-config-printer

now I have a printer setup under system-administration.. that was weird..


System-config-printer [1] packages are a GUI interface to manage CUPS [2], check this packets are installed and try to connect with a Web browser to

Also yo can create a virtual PDF printer with cpus-pdf [2] package that it will be integrated with System Administrator panel.


1 - http://packages.debian.org/wheezy/system-config-printer
2 - http://packages.debian.org/wheezy/cups
3 - http://packages.debian.org/wheezy/cups-pdf

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