Alex S. grabbed a keyboard and wrote:
> On Mon, 06 Jan 2014 19:54:12 -0800
> David Guntner <> wrote:
>> Anyone else here think this is awesome news? :-)
> It surely is! Though SteamOS, I believe, is gonna see much more use
> on SteamMachines, than on PCs, and personally, I'm not a console guy,
> but all the SteamOS-compatible games should be reverse
> Linux-compatible, and that's great. It's a pity though, that
> Steam client doesn't work on Wheezy out of the box, that's part of the
> reason I decided to move on to Testing/Sid again. In any case, Valve
> are responsible for my return to gaming after 4 or 5 years almost
> completely out of the gaming world after ditching Windows completely. 

Go check the pages in the links in that - you set up your own machine
with the software, and it gives you desktop access so you can configure
things to your heart's content.  Hmmm, I guess you're creating a
"SteamMachine" in the sense that the install software will completely
wipe out whatever is already on the hard drive (is that what you were
referring to?).  I think the point is that there are people who want to
play games on their TV (the console crowd) but don't necessarily want to
have their regular computer that they do their other work on in the
living room.

Anyway, I think it's great that they're doing it, and that the Linux
flavor they chose to build it off of is Debian.  I think that may well
give our favorite flavor a bit more exposure to a wider audience ("well,
it's the basis for my SteamMachine's OS; maybe I should check it out for
my PC needs!").  Well, it's a thought, anyway. :-)


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