On Wed, Jan 08, 2014 at 03:40:14PM +0100, Gian Uberto Lauri wrote:
> Darac Marjal writes:
>  > On Wed, Jan 08, 2014 at 11:40:36AM -0200, Hudson Flavio Meneses Lacerda 
> wrote:
> Sorry, but this paragraph needs a couple of "label" corrections
>  > "Cooperative Multitasking".
> Sorry,  the label  here is  "Preemptive"  (*), according  to your  own
> expaination :).

Ah, you're right.

>  > One process will be given some time on a processor and then, after
>  > a period of time or when that process yields control of the
>  > processor
> Is not the process that yelds, it's the kernel that assigns the CPU to
> another process, as you correctly explain below.

I thought that both mechanisms were available? That is, a process could
voluntarily say "I don't need the CPU at the moment"? Or is it simply
the fact that the process ISN'T using the CPU that causes it to get

>  > (for example, if the process is waiting for
>  > data to come from a disk, then there's nothing for the CPU to do), the
>  > kernel will suspend that process and pick another one. The choosing of
>  > when to switch processes and which processes to pick when several are
>  > wanting the CPU, is performed by the scheduler.
> In "coopeartive multitasking" a process  helds the CPU control as long
> as he wishes (Windows 3.11, old Mac OS, Java Green Threads).

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