On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 12:07 PM, Thomas Schmitt <scdbac...@gmx.net> wrote:

> Hi,
> > In the end, I went ahead and manually compiled xorriso 1.3.4 and with
> > this one and the command that Debian itself uses to create the
> > netinst iso it worked (without the jigdo stuff). The resulting iso is
> > bootable from the USB key.
> From my remote position i would say that your firmware wanted
> to see the GPT rather than an MBR partition table.
> So it would be EFI and not BIOS.
> Whatever, congrats to your success.

I would guess you're right :-). It's weird though, because the actual
installation seems to fail afterwards (the partitioning complains about
something related to EFI, I would need to double check). But that's another

Thanks again for your help!

> Have a nice day :)
> Thomas

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