Le 17/01/2014 18:28, Patrick Bartek a écrit :
> On Fri, 17 Jan 2014, François Patte wrote:
>> Le 17/01/2014 05:11, Patrick Bartek a écrit :
>>> On Thu, 16 Jan 2014, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
>>>> On Jo, 16 ian 14, 09:58:43, Patrick Bartek wrote:
>>>>> [snip]
>>> I was unaware of this.  I thought it was the plugin.  I have since
>>> read the the Debian Flash wiki and see my error.  Of course, the
>>> Debian way of installing/updating Flash is a lot easier than
>>> Fedora's which I switched from middle of last year after using Core
>>> and Fedora for a number of years:  You have to do it 100% manually.
>> yum install flash-plugin
>> Is it what you call "100% manually"
> No.  When I first started using Fedora at Core 3, and for a number of
> years after, this was the only way to install Flash on Fedora:
> 1. Go to Adobe web site
> 2.  Find the step-by-step install instructions.  Read them.
> 3.  Find download page for Flash for Linux.  This was not a simple
> click away.  The Linux page was not easy to find.  The Flash
> Download page always defaulted to Windows.
> 4.  Download the gzip file.  No distro-specific repos or install files.
> 5.  Uncompress locally in your /home directory, and as root copy the
> flashplugin to the correct directory for your distro.  It varied.
> 6.  Test to see if it worked, and troubleshoot when it didn't.
> Later as I remember, Adobe, besides the generic gzip file,
> started supplying rpm, deb, etc. files for specific distros, so you
> could use that distro's package manager to install the file, but you
> still had to download it first.  And up until I quit Fedora at
> version 12 (I used it for a year past its End-of-Life until Wheezy Beta
> was released), a simple 'yum install flash-plugin' was not possible
> as Flash was not Open Source, and Fedora never, never, never put
> proprietary software in their repos. You had to go to third party repos
> for that.  I don't know if Adobe ever set up its own dedicated Flash
> repository for Linux.

You are talking of world before WW1... I have just update my laptop
running f14 (WW2) and:

yum update
Modules complémentaires chargés : langpacks, presto, refresh-packagekit
Adding fr_FR to language list
Configuration du processus de mise à jour
Résolution des dépendances
--> Lancement de la transaction de test
---> Paquet VirtualBox-4.1.i686 0:4.1.30_91550_fedora14-1 marqué pour
être mis à jour
---> Paquet flash-plugin.i386 0: marqué pour être
mis à jour
---> Paquet gthumb.i686 0:2.12.3-1.fc14 marqué pour être mis à jour
--> Résolution des dépendances terminée

Dépendances résolues

 Paquet                    Architecture    Version
        Dépôt                       Taille
Mise à jour:
 VirtualBox-4.1            i686            4.1.30_91550_fedora14-1
        virtualbox                   64 M
 flash-plugin              i386  
        adobe-linux-i386            6.6 M
 gthumb                    i686            2.12.3-1.fc14
        updates                     4.0 M

Résumé de la transaction
Upgrade       3 Package(s)

Taille totale : 74 M
Taille totale des téléchargement : 70 M
Est-ce correct [o/N] : o
Téléchargement des paquets :
Setting up and reading Presto delta metadata
Processing delta metadata
Package(s) data still to download: 70 M
(1/2): VirtualBox-4.1-4.1.30_91550_fedora14-1.i686.rpm
                   |  64 MB     03:05
(2/2): flash-plugin-
                   | 6.6 MB     00:18
          351 kB/s |  70 MB     03:24
Lancement de rpm_check_debug
Lancement de la transaction de test
Transaction de test réussie
Lancement de la transaction
  Mise à jour    : flash-plugin-
  Mise à jour    : VirtualBox-4.1-4.1.30_91550_fedora14-1.i686

(Sorry! I didn't switch to LANG=C)

François Patte
UFR de mathématiques et informatique
Laboratoire CNRS MAP5, UMR 8145
Université Paris Descartes
45, rue des Saints Pères
F-75270 Paris Cedex 06
Tél. +33 (0)1 8394 5849

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