I have installed OracleVM VirtualBox v4.3.6 r91406 on my Laptop to use as a
test bed for Debian  Linux runs very nicely in the VM.  (VirtualBox seems to
work better than VMware Player.)


Debian v-7.3.0 runs without any problems.  


However, I have repeatedly encountered what I consider to be a rather
strange problem with Debian Testing.  Installation of Testing in a
VirtualBox proceeds without any problems, but every time that I install a
new application VirtuaBox crashes when I attempt execution.


I would appreciate any insights as to what may be causing this.  As I said,
7.3.0 gives me no problems whatsoever.


Thanks in advance.


Stephen P. Molnar, Ph.D.                                    Life is a fuzzy

Foundation for Chemistry                                   Stochastic and


(614)312-7528 (c)

Skype:  smolnar1


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