Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> Todd Maurice wrote:
> > I have been using Hello World script to reduce problems that might 
> > arise from using a complex script but later I would like to use this 
> > setup for autologin.
> Uhh, another case of XY problem

Ugh, yes, another good case of the XY problem.  Sigh.

To make this thread easier to find by search engines I will mention
that this would be a Linux text console kiosk mode.

> > #!/bin/bash
> > sed -i '54d' /etc/inittab
> > echo "1:2345:respawn:/bin/login -f user tty1 </dev/tty1 >/dev/tty1 2>&1" >> 
> > /etc/inittab
> To accomplish what you want I would change /etc/inittab with a 
> late_command, *but* the commands above are not really safe:
> 1. you rely on the specific format of /etc/inittab
> 2. your script is not indempotent, just think what happens if you run it 
> several times
> 3. sed can do the change in one go ;)
> This should work (all in one line):
> sed -i -e 's,1:2345:respawn:\/sbin\/getty 38400 
> tty1,1:2345:respawn:\/bin/login -f user tty1 <\/dev\/tty1 >\/dev\/tty1 
> 2>&>1,' /etc/inittab

The above may have had some mailer munging.  I see two simple typos.
The '&' is special to sed and is lost in the resulting line.  It needs
to be escaped with \&.  Also not a problem but since '/' is avoided as
the sed substitute character it means that they don't need to be
escaped in the string and one of them had been missed anyway.

As a matter of preference I would continue to use getty for this and
have it set up the tty state.  Then it can call /bin/login.  Therefore
I would still continue to use getty.  This works in Wheezy 7 but not
in the old Squeeze 6.  (Note that getty -a username is new in Wheezy 7
and doesn't exist in Squeeze 6.)  Then the redirections are no longer
needed.  It is just a small amount simpler then.

I tested this and it worked for me on a Wheezy 7 install.

  sed -i 's,1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty .*tty1 *$,1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty -a 
USERNAME 38400 tty1,' /tmp/inittab

Change /tmp/inittab to /etc/inittab which I left intentionally so that
it couldn't do harm by a stray paste.

I will mention that in Wheezy 7 the getty annoyingly to those of us
who care about boot errors automatically clears the boot screen unless
the --noclear option is given.  You might want it.  YMMV.

  1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty --noclear -a USERNAME 38400 tty1


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