May I introduce to you ‘beeb’ the all-singing, all-dancing, upgrade to

The BBC has some superb radio and TV programmes, some of which they
have released into the public domain and which can be downloaded using
‘get-iplayer’, and then can be played with your choice of viewer. This
script will -

        * Check to see if you have 'get-iplayer/get_iplayer' installed.
          If not it will prompt you to install it.
        * Creates the directory where the 'beeb-tv.txt &
          beeb-radio.txt' files are stored.
        * Downloads the current radio programme feed,
        * Allows you to put the programme numbers in to download, and
          tell you how much more you can download in this session,
        * Downloads the programmes,
        * Then downloads the current TV programme feed,
        * Allows you to put the programme numbers in to download, and
          tell you how much more you can download in this session,
        * Downloads the programmes,
        * Asks you if you want to create a playing list of the radio
          programmes that can then be used by MPD.

You can get 'beeb' from either my blog 'A taste of linux' or from my
bitbucket -

Any problems, or further instruction required, please let me know.

A taste of linux =
efever =
efever =
my git repo =
Debian testing, Fluxbox 1.3.5, emacs
Registered Linux user 561944

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