On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 08:19:13PM +0000, Mike Fitzgerald wrote:
>    Hi
>    I've got a Cobalt Raq4 and am trying install etch (that's the most recent
>    version it will take) but when issuing:
>    root@debian:/# debootstrap --arch i386 etch /nfsroot-x86
>    [1]http://archive.debian.org/debian/
>    I get the following error messages:
>    I: Retrieving Release
>    I: Retrieving Release.gpg
>    I: Checking Release signature
>    E: Release signed by unknown key (key id B5D0C804ADB11277)
>    Any ideas what is wrong? This is my first foray into this territory

Etch, as you know, is old. The key used to sign it is now, in all
likelihood, expired. It's probably been expired so long, that it's been
cleared out of the debian-keyring package. You should probably try and
find a source that you trust that tells you what they key for Etch was
and then fetch that manually (it may still be on keyservers etc).

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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