lina <> writes:

> I have a network pic, see attached. I manually drag the nodes position,
> and it was produced by R tkplot, I am not smart to change the label
> position, any suggestion about eps editor package (epstool is not for
> this case) and how to beautiful this figure are welcome.

I don't know about a good EPS editor for this kind of thing.

However, if you open the file in any text editor and search for the text
of the labels, in parentheses, you will find that the two numbers
beforehand are the X and Y coordinates of the text: if you open the EPS
file with gv and use "Watch file" you can fiddle the numbers and keep
re-saving and get the label to be wherever you like. Not elegant, but

In general it's a lot easier to change this kind of thing in the
application generating the PostScript. If you have to do a lot of this,
it might be worth looking into how to hack tkplot accordingly. For
producing this kind of diagram, something like LaTeX's TikZ or Basser
Lout's Diag are good, but they are not an easy-learn point-and-click
solution, and I assume you are starting out with data that's in R.

-- Mark

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