
If I start a new urxvt terminal using the command,

 urxvt -name Terminal -fn "xft:Monospace:pixelsize=11" -fade 20 +sb
-depth 32 -fg white -bg rgba:2000/2000/2000/dddd

urxvt starts just the way I like it.
But if I put this in ~/.Xresources, it would never work:

Urxvt*background: rgba:2000/2000/2000/dddd

Here is my full ~/.Xresources

URxvt.keysym.Shift-Control-V: perl:clipboard:paste

URxvt.iso14755: False

URxvt.perl-ext-common: default,clipboard

!# Xft settings

Xft.dpi: 96
Xft.antialias: true
Xft.rgba: rgb
Xft.hinting: true
Xft.hintstyle: hintslight

Xcursor.theme: Pulse-Glass
Compile xft: Attempt to find a visual with the given bit depth; option -depth.
URxvt*depth: 32
Urxvt*background: rgba:2000/2000/2000/dddd
Urxvt*transparent: false
Urxvt*fading: 2%
Urxvt*shading: 75

! Compile xft: Turn on/off double-buffering for xft (default enabled).
 On some card/driver combination enabling it slightly decreases
performance, on most it greatly helps it. The slowdown is small, so it
URxvt*buffered: true

! Base16 Tomorrow
! Scheme: Chris Kempson (http://chriskempson.com)

#define base00 #1d1f21
#define base01 #282a2e
#define base02 #373b41
#define base03 #969896
#define base04 #b4b7b4
#define base05 #c5c8c6
#define base06 #e0e0e0
#define base07 #ffffff
#define base08 #cc6666
#define base09 #de935f
#define base0A #f0c674
#define base0B #b5bd68
#define base0C #8abeb7
#define base0D #81a2be
#define base0E #b294bb
#define base0F #a3685a

*.foreground: base05
!*.background: base00
*.cursorColor: base05
*.color0: base00
*.color1: base08
*.color2: base0B
*.color3: base0A
*.color4: base0D
*.color5: base0E
*.color6: base0C
*.color7: base05
*.color8: base03
*.color9: base09
*.color10: base01
*.color11: base02
*.color12: base04
*.color13: base06
*.color14: base0F
*.color15: base07

!###Font Settings####

URxvt*font: xft:Inconsolata:pixelsize=15
URxvt*boldFont: xft:Inconsolata:bold:pixelsize=15
URxvt*letterSpace: -1

ALso from base16 colorscheme palate the background is given as #1d1f21
and I have commented it out to prevent clashing it with
Urxvt*background option which is given in rgba format. I would love if
someone can convert the hex value into a working rgba format as
required for this configuration file?

2) I also feel that only 2-3 colors are shown in the shell. But when I
use weechat-curses all colors are shown. But linux command like ls and
grep won't give me any colors.

'tput setaf' wont output anything.

Here is something I found in my .bashrc
# set a fancy prompt (non-color, unless we know we "want" color)
case "$TERM" in
    xterm-color) color_prompt=yes;;

Now I have installed both xfce terminal and xterm.

Any inputs would be greatly appreciated!

Anubhav Yadav
Imperial College of Engineering and Research,

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