On Sb, 01 mar 14, 07:59:02, pe...@easthope.ca wrote:
> The only way I can make sense of this is that the instructions are crossed.
> TLS access should be to mail.easthope.ca with appropriate certificate.
> In-the-clear access should be to ccx.websitewelcome.com with no certificate.

Sorry, I must be missing something, but as far as I can tell you are 
doing exactly the opposite of what the cPanel page instructs you to and 
then you get errors.

Kind regards,
P.S. could you please not break threads *and* munge the Subject on every 
reply? It's very difficult to follow because we get a new thread on 
every reply of yours and looking for information in previous posts is 
much more difficult. Just have a look at
https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2014/03/ to see what I mean.
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