Yep this is Debian specific. I have a system running Debian Wheezy; up
to date; AMD 6 core processor; 4GB ram. Terabytes of disk space. This
computer is in my office, not a remote. I am trying to use command line
instructions to restore/import a database that I exported a few weeks
back from a remote server. I was able to do this on the remote server
using command lines, but after finishing the import the server admins
decided I was using too much of the VPS servers resources and shut it
down with no notice.I decided to bring it in house again.The Database is
2.28 Gb & is from a Mediawiki site. I'm not using any GUI such as
PhpMyAdmin, though I have those available. The php limitations will not
allow it to finish using PhpMyAdmin or Mediawiki's import structures.
Since I did this on a Debian remote host I figured no prob here. Not so.
I logged in as root, not connected to the internet, to do the import.

issued this command;
mysql -v -u root -p MyDBName < MyDump.sql

put in root password, & watched some screen output that resembled the
Matrix for 2 days. System was accidentally interrupted & quit. I
restarted it and waited 2 more days, server just quit. 
Now for the differences;
On my remote server I created a completely empty database then did the
import. Then reinstalled the upgraded Mediawiki and managed it as a
mediawiki upgrade. Here I tried to use the existing installation which
was new and do the restore as an upgrade. Now this is my question; Any
one know why this doesn't work. I'm now trying the new empty db here to
see if I can get it to work. However even if I do, i want tosolve this
issue so I don't repeat it. There are some serious benefits to restoring
to a populated database that I want to preserve. Also I have
successfully used PhpMyAdmin to do that with much smaller databases.

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