On Du, 02 mar 14, 12:30:54, Thomas Schmitt wrote:
> Hi,
> > On Sb, 01 mar 14, 14:38:14, Richard Owlett wrote:
> > > root@minimal-squeeze:/home/richard# dd if=/dev/cdrom bs=2048
> > > count=1939608 of=/home/richard/myiso1.iso conv=notrunc
> > > [...]
> > > root@minimal-squeeze:/home/richard# dd if=/home/richard/myiso1.iso
> > > bs=2048 count=1939608 of=/dev/sdb conv=notrunc
> Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> > Not sure if this makes a differences, but why the count= and conv= ?
> > To keep things simple, could you please retry with
> >    cp /home/richard/myiso1.iso /dev/sdb
> Both copy gestures for /dev/sdb are equivalent and should be ok.
Yes, but I'd rather know :)

> The conv=1939608 in the first dd command is necessary, if the MD5
> of the resulting .iso file shall match the published MD5 of the
> Debian .iso. Most DVD types would return more bytes after the end
> of the ISO filesystem.

I'm aware of the issue (though I don't even try to understand all the 

> Whatever method was used, the MD5 sum of the resulting copy can be
> determined by:
>   dd if=/dev/sdb bs=2048 count=1939608 | md5sum -
Hmm, I thought the 'count=' stuff was only needed for CD-ROMs. Again, I 
prefer to keep things simple and would rather use just:

    md5sum /dev/sdb

> and should match the published MD5 of the Debian ISO image.

Yes, but I'd rather know, which is why I prompted Richard for the 
md5sums ;)

Kind regards,
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