On Lu, 03 mar 14, 11:27:59, Celejar wrote:
> Andrei POPESCU <andreimpope...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > 
> > Depending on RAM size and what you were running at the time you set your 
> > computer to hibernate it may just take longer to resume (i.e. read the 
> > stuff from slow storage) than to cold boot. This may have been solved in 
> When you say longer than cold boot, do you really mean longer than cold
> booting plus starting all the stuff you had running in RAM and getting
> them to the state they were in?

As I said, I have little practical experience with hibernate myself, 
this is just what I picked up here on the list. Besides, I wouldn't 
trust hibernate with unsaved files and I use lightweight apps as much as 
possible, so for me the benefits are just not worth it.

Kind regards,
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