On 3/4/14, Arnold Bird <arnoldb...@cosmicemail.com> wrote:
> I myself do not like systemd either.
> Why don't I go use some other distro
> since a vote was won on some corner
> mailing list by a grand total of
> 4 people infavor and 4 people against
> about one week ago??
> Well:
> Debian is the universal operating system.
> I shouldn't have to.

And you don't HAVE to!

You and your repeated FUD - saying things which are untrue, or imply
something, which implication is not true, but which leads the
not-informed reader to reach your erroneous conclusion!

I call that deception too, besides FUD, misleading, covert and underhanded.

You and your multiple "personas" whilst accusing others of using "personas"!

You and your repeated political position, whilst accusing others of
being "political".

You and your repeated aspersions against pretty much everyone who
doesn't agree with you!

> Everyone, here it is again:
> "You do not like systemd, then get out"

No one said that.

The TC vote was never, and never shall be, and never would be
considered possible to be "Debian shall remove all init systems other
than _pick_one_"!!

> Simple mantra repeated by the systemd men and women.

Simple lies repeated by the "persona" over and over and over again.

It is getting old!

Please stop with your deceptions, mis-truths, half-truths, covert and
gutter-talk rubbish!

> I should be able to chose my init system,

Do you have a disability stopping you?

I switch here and there between SysV init and systemd, for a year now,
as part of my ongoing transition to systemd.

Unfortunately for day-to-day use I still have to use SysV, but I endure...

> just as I am able to chose my kernel, my

So you're not kernel-challenged, but you are init-challenged?

You're strange...

> window manager, my email client, everything.

You're not gender-challenged? I am gender challenged - I'm pretty well
stuck being the sex I am. But I don't complain on debian-user about

> Linux IS about choice.

You might think it is. Sounds like you're stability-challenged to me.
Perhaps leg-disabled?

> Debian doubly so. Debian IS the universal operating
> system, and that is not just a slogan.

Oh do, wax lyrically!

It is definitely news to me that my sid install no longer boots on
SysV init... or any other init I choose for that matter.

Me thinks you're universally-challenged. Yeah. That's it.

> Secondly, just about every upstream linux distro
> has been target by and has been caused to
> switch to systemd.

Impressive. Can systemd target the US goverment too?OK.

> All the rest of the distros

Ahah! An expert have we. Let's listen closely to the expert:

> are mostly derivatives of the 8 big ones.
> There is no choice anymore, practically

Oh, OK!
Glad we got an expert to clear up _that_ one.
I really was confused on this very issue.
At peace I now am.

> Any dissent has been banned and purged
> from a number of them.

Wow! That's pretty amazing.

Russia would be proud!

> I should not have to forgo all the packages
> of debian, all my experiance with debian
> (13 years), because four people deciced
> I and everyone of the thousands
> of debian developers and debian users
> should use systemd and that is it.

Sorry, dissent has been banned! You have no choice in Debian any more!
Systemd is all you can use, may use, will use! SysV init shall be
purged from sid and jessie in the next 13 days, Canonical is
ex-communicating upstart, and you are to be crucified for your init
script suggestion earlier today, after a public flogging in Times
Square. The good ol' days of the inquisition have returned heretofore!

> The people who make debian are not
> beholden to gnome, systemd, redhat.

Oh yes, they, are! You are mistaken on so many levels Mr Anonymous!
Even I am beholden to Red Hat^^^^Canonical^^^^NSA. I can't disclose
any details yet though...

> The people on that committie might be.

You've mixed them up with us on debian-user. Perhaps a cool glass of water?

> The people like me who are opensource

Source of sources, opensource of course, that's why you are public
about who you are.

> programmers do not have to just accept
> the decision of the systemd backers.

Sorry. You do!

Don't even think about any other option! You shall not only be
chastised, you shall be chased, hounded even, by Canonical and Red
Flag employees driving tanks. I'm serious - I wouldn't mess with those

> You keep pushing us and pushing us
> and conquering our community projects.

I for one welcome our new communist community overloards!

> This will have consequences.

Be careful. Consequences have consequences.


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