On Mi, 05 mar 14, 11:43:34, ralf.mard...@alice-dsl.net wrote:
> On Wed, 2014-03-05 at 01:54 -0600, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
> > I show 623 from that address since 10/13.
> The issue started in 2014 and in 2014 I resent most messages several
> times.

Yes, we know. Are you sure you weren't just impacient?
> > For emails you believe are lost, check the list archive.
> That is the first thing I always did and still do.

But do beware the "List archives get refreshed every 20 minutes." note 
on http://lists.debian.org/debian-user

I'd give it at least an hour before even starting to troubleshoot.

> > The whitelist is for addresses that are not subscribed to
> > any lists.
> That was my understanding too, but it was mentioned that I should
> subscribe to that list.
Yes, with any address you are using to *post*. 

To give you an example: as you may have noticed I only post via my gmail 
address, but due to some of gmail's quirks I prefer to receive all list 
e-mail via another account. That address is subscribed to all list. The 
gmail address is subscribed only to the whitelist, so the spam filters 
know it is not spam.

Kind regards,
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