On Fri, 7 Mar 2014 06:26:47 +0100
Gian Uberto Lauri <gianuberto.la...@gmail.com> wrote:

> What are the effects of the -C (uppercase c) switch?

No discernible difference. 

> --
> Gian Uberto Lauri
> Messaggio inviato da un tablet
> > On 07/mar/2014, at 03:46, Sharon Kimble <boudic...@talktalk.net>
> > wrote:
> > 
> > If you use 'compton' and a launcher like 'docky' or 'plank' in
> > 'fluxbox' you will find that there is a *shadow* extending to about
> > one inch above your launcher. In this shadow you are unable to
> > click any button or pane-descriptor like in 'tmux', it is
> > effectively 'dead-ground' and unusable.
> > 
> > Is there any way of shrinking this shadow so that you are able to
> > use the full screen above the launcher, instead of the present 80%?
> > 
> > To see this shadow in action run 'compton -c --shadow-blue 1' in a
> > terminal, and you see the big blue shadow! And I want to shrink it
> > to about the bottom half-inch of the screen, but, is it possible
> > please?
> > 
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