Carl Johnson wrote:
> Joel Roth <> writes:
> > my xmodmap commands for remapping
> > the CAPS key to behave as CTRL (in .xinitrc) work in my
> > usual system, but have no effect on this newly installed
> > system. Both systems are running an up-to-date sid, 
> > and I've copied over my .bashrc.
> >
> > Any ideas where I should be looking?
> >
> > # .xinitrc
> > #
> > #!/bin/sh
> > # remap CAPSLOCK to be CTRL
> >
> > rxvt -e screen -D -r
> > xmodmap -e 'keycode 66 = Control_L'
> > xmodmap -e 'clear Lock'
> > xmodmap -e 'add Control = Control_L'
> > xset b off                                # this suppresses beep
> > setxkbmap -option terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp # this works, too
> > exec /usr/bin/i3
> I handle the control with this command:
>     setxkbmap -option ctrl:nocaps
> You should be able to combine it with your other as:
>     setxkbmap -option ctrl:nocaps,terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp
Thanks Carl, Andrei, Siard and Morel,

The above incantation from Carl works fine on
my usual system.

I wasn't able to test the Epia system. Since posting,
the hardware has gone south :-( There is a long beep
series at power on. A pair of bulging, leaking
electrolytic capacitors on the board suggests the reason.)

To summarize the other replies:

Morel suggested studying .bashrc and checking the scan codes of the keyboard
with xev. I had used something else (I forget), and found that
Caps key works fine (on two different keyboards.)

Siard notes that the setxkbmap command undoes all xmodmap
settings, and should therefore be placed before them. 
I didn't verify this, since the setxkbmap commands replace
the xmodmap commands I'd been using.

Andrei pointed to 'man xkeyboard-config' as the source
for options such as ctrl:nocaps terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp

Thanks to all for your generous help!

Joel Roth

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