On Sat, Mar 15, 2014 at 12:58:59PM +0100, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

> Tom is smarter than we are, it's likely that his guess is correct. The
> OP confused the term for

I am far from it, and Lisi and Scott have both made excellent points
that illustrate that.

> no root account, but the first user has got sudo admin super cow powers,
> with a pure and clean enabled root account.

With the information supplied by Richard, I jumped to the conclusion
that he had disabled root logins - failing to consider that if such was
the case then root wouldn't have a password for him to know.

It does seem much more likely that Scott is correct and root logins are
only disabled at the graphical login - as Scott says, that is the
default configuration - in which case Richard should be able to
ctrl-alt-Fn to a virtual console, ctrl-alt-bspace to kill the X server
(though I think that's disabled since the last few releases), or boot
into recovery mode.

Without further input from Richard we have no way of knowing for certain
what the exact situation is.


All the men on my staff can type.
                -- Bella Abzug

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