On Mi, 26 mar 14, 10:25:08, Steve Litt of Troubleshooters.Com wrote:
> I have no idea which mobos Debian handles out of the box, but what I've
> observed is that life is much nicer if:
> * You do the network install

Irrelevant, the kernel is the same.

> * Choose Expert install or whatever it's called

Irrelevant, the kernel is the same.

> * Say yes (default is no) to "install nonfree software

This activates the non-free repository.

> When I do that, stuff just works.

It might be that the installer also installs firmware-linux-nonfree, 
which contains a lot of firmware, especially for Radeon video cards. 
This however still wouldn't explain why "stuff" (which stuff?) just 

Would you please be so kind to provide some facts to your theory, like 
package lists from installs with and without your method?

Kind regards,
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