On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 10:33:20PM +0530, Anubhav Yadav wrote:

||  I found this
||  *VT100*color1:  red3
||  and
||  xterm*color1:   #f92672

Specificity is checked left to right. The second specifies an instance
xterm, which comes earlier than class VT100 of the first. Therefore the
second is more specific, and gets priority.

||  In that case my settings for colors should be:
||  XTerm*VT100*color: #f92672?

Depends, because there is a second rule: the instance name (xterm)
is more specific than the class name (XTerm).

So from high to low specificity and thus priority:

    xterm*color1:   #f92672
    XTerm*VT100*color: #f92672?
    *VT100*color1:  red3

Your example falls in between.

On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 05:32:12PM +0000, Brian wrote:

||  That should do it but
||  XTerm*color: #f92672
||  is ok too (and less typing :))

And including that one in the list gives:

    xterm*color1:   #f92672
    XTerm*VT100*color: #f92672?
    XTerm*color: #f92672
    *VT100*color1:  red3

because #2 specifies VT100 in the second slot, where #3 specifies nothing
(the "color" is the third slot). Maybe this way of writing it makes
this clearer:

    <xterm> <?>     <color1>
    <XTerm> <VT100> <color>
    <XTerm> <?>     <color>
    <?>     <VT100> <color1>

And now I see that there's actually not even about the same resource! #1
and #4 are about resource instance "color1", #2 and #3 are about resource
instance "color".

Oh well, I guess you see things work.

Vincent Zweije <vinc...@zweije.nl>   | "If you're flamed in a group you
<http://www.xs4all.nl/~zweije/>      | don't read, does anybody get burnt?"
[Xhost should be taken out and shot] |            -- Paul Tomblin on a.s.r.

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