On Sb, 29 mar 14, 07:06:39, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> root@debi386:~# cat /etc/apt/preferences
> # /etc/apt/preferences
> Package: *
> Pin: release n=wheezy
> Pin-Priority: 400

What's the point of this (considering that the default priority for it 
would be 500)?
> Package: *
> Pin: release n=wheezy-backports
> Pin-Priority: 300

This is not a good idea. While still lower than wheezy, this turns 
backports packages into regular candidate versions. -backports is *not* 
meant to be used like this, as there is no guarantee that some random 
backport will work properly with another, they are only tested against 

IMO it's better to stick to the default (which is 100) and only install 
them with '-t wheezy-backports' (or the "force version" or how is it 
called in synaptic).

> Package: *
> Pin: release n=jessie
> Pin-Priority: 200


> Package: *
> Pin: release n=sid
> Pin-Priority: 100


I seems to me like your intention is to run stable, but with select 
packages from either backports or testing/sid as needed. In such a case 
I would rather recommend you remove your preferences file completely and 

    APT::Default-Release "wheezy";

In a file under /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ (or in /etc/apt/apt.conf).

Further on you should check your system for packages installed that do 
*not* come from wheezy (apt-showversions or aptitude can do that) and 
deal with them accordingly (downgrade by purge and install would be best 
as a straight downgrade can be dangerous).

If, after performing these steps, a dist-upgrade run still proposes 
strange things post the output of

apt-get --verbose-versions dist-upgrade

It would probably be a good idea to fully 'apt-get upgrade' your system 
before even attempting 'dist-upgrade'.

As a personal comment/opinion, depending on how many packages you 
install from backports vs. testing/sid, you might find it better to just 
upgrade to testing or even sid instead of mixing.

Kind regards,
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