Sven Hartge:
> Jochen Spieker <> wrote:
>> Yes, here it is:
>>| Note that just disabling the spdy module in Apache won't work, because
>>| the SSL library itself is replaced. Easiest fix on Debian is to remove
>>| the mod-spdy package from the system (for now).
>> Thanks for helping me to find this. After removing mod-spdy-beta
>> and stopping and starting Apache, the test tools deem my system safe.
> Ürx, nasty one. 
> I presume mod_spdy is not from any offical package (cannot find any
> package matching "spdy" in Debian anywhere) but a module compiled by
> yourself?

I think I installed a .deb from Google which added the file

deb stable main

As you wrote elsewhere, a patch is available and updated binaries should
be available soon:

Ultimately, the Millenium Dome is a spectacular monument of the
doublethink of our times.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

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