On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 05:00:03PM +0100, Tom Furie wrote:

> The URI needs to be the last element of the command. You will find most
> of the required files if you mount the iso and pass the mount point with
> --scan, passing the iso file finds 0 files. Using --scan causes jigdo to
> not ask for further file locations, and only the last instance of --scan
> is used. My tests show a better hit rate using the mounted iso than
> using the cache. Ideally there would be some way to pass multiple file
> locations on the command line so the iso mount point and the cache could
> both be checked. Hmm, I think I feel a wishlist bug report coming along.

In the meantime, you could create a directory containing links to the
apt cache and to the loop mount point(s) and pass that in --scan.


On a paper submitted by a physicist colleague:

"This isn't right.  This isn't even wrong."
                -- Wolfgang Pauli

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