On Sat, May 03, 2014 at 12:19:50PM -0700, Robert Holtzman wrote:
> > 
> > tasks-xfce-desktop is a meta package that includes xfce, and also a set
> > of additional packages that are typically used on a desktop system,
> > like libreoffice and iceweasel. 
> Those packages should be part of an OS install, not a DE, or am I wrong?

I think you are wrong. Those applications (office-suite, web-browser)
are applications on top of your desktop environment, which is a layer on
top of the OS. They are certainly useful to most people, but they are
not crucial to a functional desktop environment, and they are certainly
not crucial to a working operating system.

Added to that, intalling one of the -desktop tasks (for the most part)
pulls in a particular office suite and a particular browser, which might
not be those I want installed.


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