Stephen Allen wrote, On 05/05/2014 10:24 AM:

> On Mon, May 05, 2014 at 08:21:46AM +0800, A Debian User wrote:
>> First of all, sorry for using the term "Start screen" :P
>> But when you do a search for applications in a GNOME 3 desktop, two buttons
>> appear below the screen: "Wikipedia" and "Google".
>> Apparently, clicking on either of them will open the browser with a
>> Wikipedia or Google search using your search terms.
>> How do you remove Google and replace it with a search engine of your choice?

First, here's what I did to remove both of those search options entirely.

I made a backup directory:

$ cd
$ mkdir -p bak/open-search-providers

Then I moved the files out of the system directory into that backup

$ sudo mv /usr/share/gnome-shell/open-search-providers/*

Then I logged out and back in.

Now when I start typing a search term in the Activities overlay screen,
I no longer see these at the bottom:

  (Google)  (Wikipedia)

So that's a start.  The ability to remove the options entirely is a good
initial point of control.

Now, to install your own personalized search option, I would advise:

$ cd bak/open-search-providers
$ cp -p google.xml mysearch.xml
$ vi mysearch.xml

Then in the vi editor you can change the URL there from this:{searchTerms}

To whatever you want, e.g.:{searchTerms}

You can also change the ShortName and Description tags to "My Search" or
what ever.  You can even change the embedded "Image" data if you feel up
to the task.

Then do this:

$ sudo cp -p mysearch.xml /usr/share/gnome-shell/open-search-providers/

-- Patrick

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