
Old disk was 300GB and failing.  New is 1TB.

I replaced the old harddrive and made few steps to copy the system back
to the new drive (see below).

Obviously I missed something as the system does not boot.  BIOS comes
up alright.

I'd appreciate any help in identifying what needs to be done.

My hope is to avoid reinstalling and reconfiguring the system

I guess that I overlooked something with the boot files, but what and
how to remedy this?

Summary of steps

1. Using rsync -aHq I backed up most of the file system (excluding
/proc, /sys, /run, /srv, and /tmp)

2. After replacing the harddrive, I used the live cd, to manually set
up the partition table with the same logical structure as the old one:

/dev/sda1 : boot (ext2).  Boot flag was set 'on'.

/dev/sda2 : root (ext3)

/dev/sda3 : swap

/dev/sda5 - /dev/sda9 : physical volumes making up a single volume
group. (name: "vg").

I prepared separate logical volumes (in "vg") to store the would-be
/usr, /usr/local, /home, /tmp, and /var trees, and several other
private file-trees.

3. Using the backup and rsync I populated the would be file-trees
/boot, /, /usr, /usr/local, and /home.

4. Reboot, eject live cd: BIOS comes up, but nothing follows.

Thanks in advance,


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