
Dňa Tue, 27 May 2014 16:21:50 +0200 Diogene Laerce
<me_buss...@yahoo.fr> napísal:

> Hi,
> Maybe I missed the thread : I wasn't there for a while but I would
> like to have your advice on that article :
> http://igurublog.wordpress.com/2014/04/08/julian-assange-debian-is-owned-by-the-nsa/

From end of the article:

"UPDATE: Wikileaks is officially denying that Julian Assange literally
said “Debian Is Owned By The NSA”."

All other thing was discussed more times there and they are widely

Some from us want to believe, that these errors was simple mistakes
only and some don't want to believe this. And beside these here exists a
big group of users, which don't believe to anything, to anyone when the
security and privacy goes to play.

Only very simple people will hope, that the NSA (the USA government)
will not try to get access into free/open software, because this is a
big source of information. And only very simple people (again) will
believe, that they will not abuse it.



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