 From: Bob Holtzman <hol...@cox.net>
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org 
Sent: Thursday, June 5, 2014 5:45 AM
Subject: Re: Remove unwanted, orphaned files and dependencies

> Ralph, I think your wasting bandwidth on this guy. He's been told this more 
> than once yet he comes back with another question that 
> can be answered with a search.

I now understand why Ubuntu is way more popular than Debian because the former 
has an awesome forum full of kind-hearted, non-judgemental people who do not 
pontificate, preach or teach beginners how to live life.

Bob, you could have simply ignored my posts and move on to answer other posts. 
I just don't understand why you and Jerry Stuckup would want to waste your time 
on me. No use pontificating to me.

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