tom arnall wrote:
> because i con't like unused software on my system and because i cdn't
> get the system to go  automatically to ice when i login, i completely
> removed lxde.

Sure.  Does that include removing the graphical login manager too?
That is usually one of xdm, gdm, gdm3, kdm, lightdm, or possibly others.

> everything is fine EXCEPT when i log out, the system
> doesn't return the login screen but just hangs and shows just the
> mouse cursor and the regular debian backdrop.

How did you log in?  Did you use a graphical login manager?  If so
then which one?  Or having removed all of LXDE if that included the
graphical login manager too then did you log in using the text
console?  Did you start the X Window System manually?  If so how?
Using "startx" or another way?  Or are you simply logging in on the
console and using a normal text session?

When you say the regular Debian backdrop I know you are looking at it
but for me the regular Debian background is black screen with a login
prompt in text.  I doubt that is the same for you.  Are you seeing a
themed graphical image?  Please give a little more information there.

> result is i end up having to reboot when all i need is a logout.

That does sound unpleasant.

> i run wheezy.  is used the iso which includes lxde when i installed wheezy.

Remember that things that are obvious to you because you see them will
not be visible to us unless you describe it to us.


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