Curt wrote:
> Bob Proulx wrote:
> > Just to plug a good tool I like using pwgen to generate truly random
> > passwords.  A long random password is sufficiently difficult to
> > exploit.  If you are using passwords that are easy to crack then they
> > should definitely be disabled.  Here is an example:
> >
> >   $ pwgen 16 1
> >   au6fiegieCh5shio

That ticket is mostly an argument over defaults.  But you are right
that the way I am using it and proposing it to others I should add the
-s option.

Instead of:

  $ pwgen 16 1

That should at least have -s instead:

  $ pwgen -s 16 1

However at 16 characters or more even the default options still
provide quite a bit of entropy and would be hard to exploit.

The biggest problem I have found using random passwords is that some
sites truncate the password to a shorter number of characters.  Some
of those are fairly high profile sites! is a
good example that truncates passwords at eight characters.  There is
no defensible rationale for doing that truncation.  When I see that I
assume that means that they are storing the plaintext of the password
somewhere.  Otherwise if they were properly hashing the password why
would they feel the need to truncate it?


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