On Vi, 27 iun 14, 21:20:39, Diogene Laerce wrote:
> On 06/27/2014 08:34 PM, The Wanderer wrote:
> > 
> > Some mail clients (such as Thunderbird) can use that information to
> > display a nested hierarchy of "which mail is a reply to which", which I
> > find very useful; others just use it for "conversation view"-type
> > sorting; others ignore it entirely. If someone using a mail client which
> > is configured to not ignore that information receives both messages,
> > they will immediately be able to tell that your message is a reply, even
> > if you changed the Subject line.
> Thanks ! I already feel dumbness leaving my body. :)
> I didn't find yet how to create such filters or if it would be useful to
> me, but it's very good to know.

It's not a filter, it's a setting.

Kind regards,
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