
Your recipe worked like gangbusters.  And it taught me a lot too.  Thanks a


On Sun, Jul 6, 2014 at 7:40 AM, Brian <> wrote:

> On Sat 05 Jul 2014 at 17:56:43 -0400, Kynn Jones wrote:
> > On Sat, Jul 5, 2014 at 2:43 PM, Brian <> wrote:
> >
> > > It can be done but not with a netinst image or CD-1. The method is
> > > outlined in this thread.
> >
> > Thanks!  It looks like something I could at least stick in a script.
> >
> > Searching for "initrd cpio preseed.cfg" I found this page, which spells
> out
> > the whole process in detail:
> >
> >
> I wasn't intending you alter the initrd, although you can do that if you
> want. For a USB stick (no need to be root):
> 1. Plug in and use the last few lines of dmesg to find the device name.
>    Let's say it is /dev/sdc.
> 2. Make one partition large enough to hold grub's files (~10M) and a
>    netinst or CD-1 image with '/sbin/fdisk'. Put a filesystem on it with
>    mkfs.vfat from dosfstools.
>         /sbin/mkfs.vfat /dev/sdc1
> 3. Install pmount. Mount this partition:
>         pmount sdc1
> 4. Install grub on the stick:
>         grub-install --boot-directory=/media/sdc1/boot /dev/sdc
> 5. Determine the UUID of /dev/sdc1:
>         /sbin/blkid /dev/sdc1
> 6. Download the hd-media vmlinuz and initrd.gz from
>    and copy them to /boot. Copy your preseed file and a netinst or CD-1
>    image to /.
> 7. Write a /boot/grub/grub.cfg like so:
>         menuentry "Test preseed file" {
>                 search --fs-uuid --set=root UUID
>                 linux /boot/vmlinuz priority=high
> file=/hd-media/preseed.cfg locale=en_GB.UTF-8 keymap=gb
>                 initrd /boot/initrd.gz
>         }
>    You choose "priority", "locale" and "keymap". I'd start with
> "priority=low".
>    Add "shared/ask_device=manual" and "shared/enter_device=/dev/disk/UUID"
>    to the linux line after you are confident with what you have above.
> initrd.gz contains iso-scan. It searches for a Debian ISO on the stick.
> When it finds it the partition the ISO is on is mounted on /hd-media.
> preseed.cfg is on the same partition so that relieves you of the necessity
> of mounting it by hand.
> > > Is "auto=true" an absolute requirement? Why?
> >
> > That's "cargo-cult" on my part, I confess.  I don't quite understand why
> > it's there, and was not able to find a sufficiently clear explanation of
> > what it's supposed to do.  I've basically kept it because it works.  (I
> > probably would have already tested whether I need it or not if it weren't
> > because debugging the installation process is so slow.)
> Delays locale and keymap questions (when locale and keymap are put in
> preseed.cfg) until after network configuration takes place. Not needed
> because the preseeding takes place from the linux line at the start of
> the install.
> I'm not too sure there isn't a bug in the Wheezy installer which leads
> to "keymap=gb" not being acted on with "auto=true". People with a "us"
> keymap may not notice it because d-i defaults to a us keyboard anyway.
> I'll leave it to you to handle tranferring the USB stick contents to a
> CD. :)
> --
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